Auch Intel präsentiert demnächst eine Smartglass [] Intel's smart glasses tech is coming later this year in Oakley sport glasses Intel's collaboration with eyewear maker Luxottica will launch its first product later this year, with the release of special smart glasses designed for athletes. Intel showed off the technology, which it called Radar Pace, on stage at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Tuesday night. The wearable tech will apparently be available in sunglasses made by the Luxottica-owned Oakley brand. Quelle: Kurze Vorstellung im Video ab Minute 5:24
Zur Intel Smartglass noch 2 Berichte und ein Video. [] CES 2016 Intel unveils x rays like smart glasses that can see inside objects [] Intel's smart glasses tech is coming later this year in Oakley sport glasses [] Video Vorstellung ab Minute 39
Interessanter Bericht: () Intel Stands Alone In Pole Position In The Developing Wearables Marketplace • AugmentedReality.Org expects early winners within the smart glasses marketplace to emerge in 2016 and I believe Intel is clearly emerging as a winner if not the winner. • One exciting announcement made last week was made by Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) alongside Oakley, a Luxottica-owned company (NYSE:LUX). The collaborative Smart Sun Glasses product is expected to arrive in consumer hands by late 2016. • Intel has big hands in several wearable device cookie jars including manufacturing and partnerships with several manufacturers, component manufacturers and consumer retail distribution channels. • Another exciting augmented reality product was announced by Intel and Daqri. The Daqri Smart Helmet is expected to provide x ray-like vision using its RealSense 3D camera. The collaborative smart helmet will be available for purchase during the first quarter of 2016. Den Daqri Smart Helm habe ich in einer extra Rubrik aufgeführt - siehe hier: Quelle:
Intel arbeitet offenbar an Augmented-Reality-Brille mit 3D-Kameratechnik RealSense 3D Auszug: "Angeblich entwickelt Intel eine Augmented-Reality-Brille, welche die RealSense-3D-Technik des Unternehmens einsetzt. Das hat das Wall Street Journal offenbar von nicht näher spezifizierten Quellen erfahren. Die Meldung wollte Intel zwar nicht kommentieren, der Konzern bestätigte aber immerhin, dass er “regelmäßig an Prototypen für neue Produkte arbeite”. " Quelle:
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