Denke hier sehen wir das derzeit machbare in Hinblick auf Feedback und Immersion, die HaptX Gloves. Wer Interesse am derzeitigen Development Kit - Early Access hat, sollte sich an dieser Stelle einmal melden.
Zum Roboter teachen bestimmt klasse.... Oder zum zocken , wie teuer sind die Dinger, Wäre ja schon klasse wenn die Flug sims, rennspiele, mechspiele das unterstützen würden. Lenkrad 300€ Hotas 500€ yoke nochmal 300.... Dürfte also schon was kosten
Recht interessantes Interview von Skarred Ghost mit Jake Rubin @CEO über die Zukunft von Haptik. Jake Rubin talks HaptX gloves and the future of haptics One of the most interesting announcements of last week has been the release of the HaptX Gloves DK2, one of the most interesting haptic gloves for VR. I am very intrigued by these gloves that can provide quasi-realistic haptic sensations to the hands of the users and that have been praised by all XR journalists. I’m so very proud that I’ve been able to interview Jake Rubin, the CEO of HaptX, about his company. He was very kind to sit down with me and detail how his gloves work, how you can buy them, and also provides insights on haptics in VR, answering about when we can expect haptic gloves to become mainstream. It is an interview full of useful and detailed information, so fasten your seat belts and read it all! Weiterlesen →