Habt euch lieb, ohne verschiedene Ansichten wäre das Forenleben doch langweilig, wenn wir alle die gleichen Ansichten hatten. Solange alle gesittet mit einander umgehen und das denke ich ist hier gegeben, ist doch alles gut.
Interessanter Reddit Beitrag von Axel Wong, welcher auf die verbaute Technik und ihre funktionsweise eingeht. Meta Orion AR Glasses: The first DEEP DIVE into the optical architecture Here is the very first deep analysis of the optical architecture of Meta's new AR glasses prototype. Written by Axel Wong and published here with his permission - in English for the first time. As previously reported, Meta Orion uses a combination of silicon carbide etched waveguides + microLEDs – of course, this is not particularly surprising, as Meta has invested in those in the past years. From an optical architecture perspective, the biggest question I have is how to match the 70-degree FOV with the generally low resolution (640*480*)* of microLEDs in terms of PPD? A 70-degree FOV translates to a PPD of only about 30 even with a 1920*1080 screen, and a pitiful 11 with a 640*480 screen, while the general goal for near-eye displays is 45-60. This requires a resolution of 3840*2160, which is completely unrealistic for current microLED technology. Weiterlesen →
OK da sind wir aber weit weg von brauchbar. https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-orion-interview-deep-dive-resolution-battery-life-specs/ SolKutTeR: Beitrag verschoben