Von Red_Go im Discord in Virtual Desktop. Ich denke nicht einfach aber vielleicht wil jemand ein Verbindungsstück für den 3D Druck designen. Ich mache den Mod nicht habe die Pico 4 wegen Ungemütlichkeit zurückgegeben. Red_Go spielt im dunklen ohne Faceplate. Das BoboVR T2 gibt es in Deutschland gar nicht zu kaufen so viel ich sehe. I guess there's a lot of time difference between where we are. I'll send all the messages might help [04:37] I got everything from Aliexpress. There might be something similar on Amazon but I'm not sure. [04:38] Head strap is Bobo T2 version. I tried different ones but they didn't have right angle. [04:38] https://ko.aliexpress.com/item/32721449688.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.25a4778bMD3k9e&algo_pvid=aaaa4500-a0f0-49e3-b55b-a0f1ffa37b7c&aem_p4p_detail=20221022193613931345223801660003094670&algo_exp_id=aaaa4500-a0f0-49e3-b55b-a0f1ffa37b7c-19&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id":"12000030595642652"}&pdp_npi=2@dis!KRW!46046.0!32227.0!!!!!@2101e9d316664925730417563e7590!12000030595642652!sea&curPageLogUid=Pky70AUpScPU&ad_pvid=20221022193613931345223801660003094670_20 [04:43] To put it on Pico, you should do some modifications. 1. Unscrew bolts in the middle to take out the back part. 2. after that , you may cut out the ring shape end (for better looking) 3. The Joint parts (connecting strap and Pico) don't fit so have to cut some pieces. 4. Tape the strap to Pico4 with optimal distance for your use. It sounds easy but I guess you'll face some trouble doing it... I did it after several attempt.