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[Umfrage] VRSickness.org - Please help me out with my survey

Dieses Thema im Forum "VR Allgemeine Themen" wurde erstellt von skyflashde, 14. Juni 2017.

  1. Die Umfrage ist ausschliesslich in Englisch, deswegen ist dieser Text ebenfalls in Englisch verfasst.

    ----- snip ----

    Hey fellow gamers,

    I am doing my bachelor thesis on virtual reality gaming. The title of the thesis translates to:

    "Motion Sickness in VR - Influence of movement controller schemes on sickness symptoms of players"

    I created a survey for that purpose and to act as a general database for anyone creating games for VR. The survey is much more general though, and tries to capture other factors of motion sickness as well.

    It would be great if whoever has some time and feels like helping could do the survey, so I have some reliable data for my thesis. The final statistics will later be published on the website as well for everyone to see.

    Here is the link:


    Thank you for every data point you add to the collection! The more, the better of course. ;)

    Ralf Mengwasser

    P.S.: If you run into problems, please let me know. The server may be down sometimes, but should then be up again a few hours later.