Interessante Studie vom BMC (BioMed Central), welche das ganze etwas aus einer anderen Sichtweise betrachtet. Locomotor skill acquisition in virtual reality shows sustained transfer to the real world Virtual reality (VR) is a potentially promising tool for enhancing real-world locomotion in individuals with mobility impairment through its ability to provide personalized performance feedback and simulate real-world challenges. However, it is unknown whether novel locomotor skills learned in VR show sustained transfer to the real world. Here, as an initial step towards developing a VR-based clinical intervention, we study how young adults learn and transfer a treadmill-based virtual obstacle negotiation skill to the real world. Weiterlesen →
Recht interessante Ausrichtung, ähnlich wie es z.B. bei Astronauten eingesetzt wird, wird hier die Laufstimulation mithilfe von diversen Motoren an den Füßen simuliert. Japanese researchers create a VR walking simulator that stimulates the feet Japanese researchers have developed a new virtual reality program that is designed to mimic the sensation of walking. It mimics the sensation of walking by stimulating the feet while the user sits motionless. Researchers found participants in the tests of the VR system experience an enhanced simulation of walking as they experience a virtual world via a first-person perspective. Weiterlesen →
Eine Software-Variante von 2017, die auf Steam gut angekommen ist, sich aber nicht verbreitet hat, ist Freedom Locomotion VR. Hat für mich recht gut funktioniert!