..nun, das ist ja jetzt der Beta Channel, das soll ja Steamvr bald ersetzen/ergänzen. Deinstallieren ohne den Beta Channel zu verlassen bringt dich da nicht weiter. Ich kann Elite momentan auch nicht durch durch das VR-Interface starten, allerdings klappt alles wie vorher wenn ich es auf den Desktop anklicke während Steamvr läuft. Naja, ist ja auch halt die erste version. Das normale Steamvr interface kann man ja immer noch über den Button am HMD starten.
Das neue SteamVR ist echt klasse! Vor allem on the fly und ohne restart das Supersampling hoch und runterdrehen ist genial
SteamVR kommt nun auch fuer MacOS, sowie Support fuer externe GPU's. Zudem soll es heute noch eine weitere Ankuendigung geben: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/6ffr4j/steamvr_coming_to_mac/
SteamVR for MacOS: Beta Available Now As part of our efforts to make VR available to developers and players on as many systems as possible, SteamVR for the Mac is now available in beta. The beta comes in tandem with the macOS High Sierra developer seed and hardware news from Apple's 2017 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) that helps enable VR on the Mac. SteamVR on the Mac offers players the same 360-degree, room-scale tracking as the Windows and Linux variants. On the development side, we have worked closely with Epic and Unity to make Mac extensions of content built on those engine technologies as simple as possible. Extension tools for those engines, and others, are available as part of this beta. We’ve also worked with Mozilla to help enable WebVR support on Firefox, so macOS-based web developers can start trying out VR. To use SteamVR on your Mac Open Steam on your desktop Find SteamVR in your Library under Tools Right click and go to Properties Select the Betas tab and pick SteamVR Beta from the dropdown To make something for SteamVR on the Mac For more information and access to Unity's updates for SteamVR and macOS go here["https] Learn more about today's WWDC demo and Unreal Engine support for SteamVR on Mac here["http] Instructions for installing Firefox and WebVR samples can be found here["https] Download the latest OpenVR Software Development Kit (SDK) here["https] System Requirements SteamVR for macOS requires Metal graphics support in macOS 10.11.6 or higher and runs best with Metal 2 in the macOS High Sierra developer seed An HTC Vive and appropriate connectors for Mac hardware http://steamcommunity.com/games/250820/announcements/detail/1256915122285021922
Ab jetzt in normalen SteamVR... SteamVR Home Beta Now Available Today we are making SteamVR Home Beta publicly available. Every SteamVR user will now start in the new home experience, with access to more interactive, customizable, and social environments. To learn more about all of the new features, seethis announcement. Over the last few weeks, we've fixed bugs, added content, and added features to SteamVR Home. We're still in Beta and we're still adding features, but we think it's ready for the rest of the SteamVR community to get access to the new home space. Like all of our products, our roadmap and list of features to add is a mile long, and we look for feedback from our customers to determine what to work on next. We've seen some amazing new content being added to the SteamVR Workshop, as well as environments being ported over from Destinations. If you have any content on Destinations, please followthis guideto bring it to SteamVR Home so your fellow players have access. If you are interested in creating environments for SteamVR Home, checkthese guidesout. If you'd like to opt out of SteamVR Home Beta, go to Settings in the Dashboard (Press the System button and select Settings) and uncheck SteamVR Home Beta. See you in SteamVR!